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Good Food VS Bad Food

Updated: Mar 3, 2021

PSA: Food has no moral how about we stop labeling food as good or bad and start accepting that all foods are fine in moderation? Balance is so underrated.

One food group famously portrayed as evil by the diet industry is carbohydrates. Especially in relation to weight loss.

Here's what it comes down to. Carbs are the preferred energy source for the body. Eating a healthy amount of carbs actually helps you to burn fat more efficiently. Diet culture makes carbs out to be evil, when in reality our bodies thrive on them. We have to get out of this mindset that there are “good” and “bad” foods. Too much of any food leads to weight gain, it’s not specific to carbs.

All foods fit in a healthy diet. For me, learning that balance is what has finally allowed me to find success in weight loss. The body wants most what it can’t have. Restricting any food group creates this wild desire for the food you’re trying to avoid. That’s why fad diets fail. They’re too extreme! You fall into this all or nothing mentality and when you reach a breaking point, it’s likely you’ll binge on everything you’ve been restricting because your body thinks “I need to eat as much of this as I can right now because I’m not sure when I’ll get it again”. The science behind weight loss is actually so simple. There’s no need to give up any specific foods, a calorie deficit is all you need to lose weight.

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